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What to Do if a Chipmunk Gets in Your Home?

Chipmunks are adorable… there is no arguing that!  No matter how cute these little rodents are, however, they can be quite problematic if they get into your home. Although these animals are usually content to stay outside, sometimes a chipmunk will find its way into a nice cozy attic and decide it is a pretty good place to live. And sometimes chipmunks get in by accident. Either way, they can cause a bit of trouble.

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Pest Proof Your Deck or Patio to Enjoy Outdoor Dining

Warm weather is here and with it comes BBQs and outdoor dining! Eating a meal outside with family and friends can be a great way to enjoy the warm weather, while increasing your vitamin D intake and spending more time in the fresh air. But how do you make sure that annoying pests leave you alone? There are a few, simple tips to try to keep your deck and patio pest free during a meal outside!

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Giant Flying Joro Spider Multiplying Across the East Coast Could Soon Invade the DC Area

DC area residents and others living on the East Coast may soon find themselves facing an invasion of giant flying spiders. This may sound like a horror movie, but it’s the real thing. Large enough to cover the palm of your hand, the Joro spider is quite intimidating. But will these creatures pose a problem or will they simply be a colorful new addition to the insects in our area this spring?

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Bed Bugs Part 2: How to Avoid Bed Bugs from Thrift Store Purchases

Ever go to the thrift store and find a great bargain on a chair or a sectional, or even a comforter and you can’t let it pass you by? The bargains are out there, but who knows what you might bring home hidden inside that gently used bedside table or sheet set.  Bed bugs are rampant and their numbers are continuing to grow. So, what’s a thrift shopper to do? Give up bargain hunting completely? Unthinkable!

Continue reading Bed Bugs Part 2: How to Avoid Bed Bugs from Thrift Store Purchases

How Can Bed Bugs Affect Your Health?

The thought of bed bugs in your home likely makes your skin crawl. For some unlucky households, these small critters make the sheets they sleep in their primary residence. What many don’t realize is that an actual bite from one of these creepy crawlers can negatively impact your health far beyond what you may realize, so it’s wise to get rid of them quickly if you notice you have them.

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Bugged by Bugs? Temporary Solutions Until the Pros Step In!

Creepy crawlies love being inside your home for the same reasons you do – it’s warm, dry, and has food and water. The tiniest gaps around doors and windows might as well have a giant “Welcome” sign for bugs on them. Ants, gnats, cockroaches, earwigs, firebrats, flies, centipedes and spiders are some of the most common home invaders. But before you pack your bags at the first site of a cockroach, try our tips to naturally get rid of bugs in your house, and of course call us to get rid of them for good!

Continue reading Bugged by Bugs? Temporary Solutions Until the Pros Step In!


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