All posts by Renee Eder

Why Do Centipedes Invade Homes?

Some of you may be wondering why you are suddenly seeing centipedes in your home.  Similar to many other pests, in the winter, centipedes are looking for a dark, moist, secluded space that offers them a food source to wait out the cold months. Then in the spring and summer when they are most active, they can lay their eggs; and their numbers increase. Of course, none of us want this to happen inside of our homes!

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Ever Wonder About What’s in Your Walls?

If you’re like most people, you don’t spend much time thinking about what’s inside your walls. Out of sight, out of mind, right? You’re more interested in what’s on your walls, like pictures of family, paintings, and other decorative items. You don’t give a second thought about wood studs, wiring, conduit, or living creatures. What? Living creatures?! Continue reading Ever Wonder About What’s in Your Walls?

Uncovering Pests in Real Estate Inspections

Buying or selling a home? Whether it’s your first home or where you’ll retire, it’s an exciting time. While there are plenty of fun and exciting things associated with the home-buying process, there are just as many stressful situations. Getting a home inspection is fairly common, but what if the inspector says, “You’ve got pest problems”? Continue reading Uncovering Pests in Real Estate Inspections


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