Category Archives: Featured

Carpenter Ants Can Cause Serious Damage

Your home is likely your biggest investment. Many things can wreak havoc in your house, and carpenter ants can be near the top of the list. At Alexandria Pest Services, we can help protect your investment from these and many other destructive pests and rodents. Carpenter ants are particularly harmful because they don’t just infest rotting wood — they can move from softwood to hardwood in a very short amount of time when they infest.

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Why Termite Infestations Should Always Be Left to the Professionals

Termites may not directly threaten public health, but they are among the most formidable pests a homeowner can encounter. If you’re a property owner and you’ve identified signs of termites, you’re probably tempted to turn to DIY solutions — but unfortunately, termite infestations truly are best handled by a professional pest control company such as Alexandria Pest Services.

Here’s why only pest control professionals are well-equipped to tackle termite infestations:

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Do I Have Rodents in My Walls?

Dealing with a rodent infestation is never fun, and once these pests have made their way into your walls, getting rid of them only becomes even more challenging. If you’ve found you’ve got a rodent problem on your hands, it’s important to tackle the issue as soon as possible. Mice and rats can spread harmful diseases and quickly destroy drywall, wiring, and other parts of your home.

Identifying Rodents in Your Walls

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