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The Hardest Pests to Get Rid of — Don’t DIY with these Pests!

Some pests are more challenging to eliminate from our homes than others. Termites, bed bugs, and cockroaches are particularly known for their toughness and ability to survive and thrive. This is when it’s crucial to seek professional help!

The Hardest Pests to Eliminate Include Cockroaches, Bed Bugs, and Termites

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What’s the Difference Between Waterbugs and Cockroaches?

Ever see a large, dark creature scuttling across your floor and stuck around long enough to question whether it was a cockroach or a waterbug? You’re not alone! Many homeowners in Virginia are perplexed by these two pests that resemble each other in a lot of ways. However, despite their apparent similarities, knowing the distinctions between cockroaches and waterbugs is essential for efficient pest management. Let’s explore these two pests, and what we can do to get rid of them!

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Roach Rash and Other Symptoms of Cockroaches in the Home

According to the National Pest Management Association, more than half of all homes are infested by cockroaches. This percentage is even higher in homes that are situated in urban areas. These figures indicate that cockroaches are indeed a problem in many homes. And, as those who ever had experience with them know, unless they are eradicated, chances are that they will not disappear on their own.

Not only are cockroaches ugly to look at, but they are also known to trigger rashes in human beings.

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Which Pests are the Most Active at Night?

When the sun sets, nocturnal insects come to life, engaging in activities that are essential to their survival. These nighttime wanderers are often overlooked, but they play crucial roles in ecosystems, including pollination, pest control, and serving as food for other wildlife. But of course, you don’t want to see them in your home! What are some of the most active nocturnal insects, their behaviors, and how can we help you manage them in and around your home?

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The Creepiest Critters You Don’t Want to See in Your Home this Spooky Season!

While each season brings different types of insects, autumn definitely has a lot going on. As temperatures drop and we all start to hunker down for cooler months ahead, critters of all kinds will be doing the same thing. But what are the top creepiest critters we may see in our homes this time of year?

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What Are Some of the Most Common Spiders You Could See in Your Home?

There are many different kinds of spiders in the world, and while it may be scary to spot them in your home, most of them are harmless and even helpful at managing pests. Still, most homeowners want spiders to do their bug-eating jobs outside rather than indoors. After all, seeing any kind of pest, big or small, in your home can be an unwelcome sight.

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What Are Booklice? Many Have Never Heard of Them!

Booklice are group of small, wingless, soft-bodied insects that primarily feed on mold and fungi. They are often attracted to dark, damp places where mold is likely to grow. They’re also known to scavenge for grains, pollen, dead insects, and starchy materials such as wallpaper glue. Certain species of booklice are also considered stored product pests that get into pantries and contaminate foods such as grains, flour, cereal, and pasta.

So, why are they called booklice? As their name suggests, booklice tend to infest places with lots of books, cardboard, and paper, such as libraries and warehouses.

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Is Summer the Worst Season for Bed Bugs?

Summer is a season filled with vacations and fun summer activities, but it’s also a season full of increased pest threats. With increased traveling and resort stays, bed bugs can be a common fear during the summer.

Bed bugs are tolerant to varying temperatures, and they stay active all year. As you can imagine, increased travel in the summer months can cause a peak in bed bug transfer.

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Carpenter Ants Can Cause Serious Damage

Your home is likely your biggest investment. Many things can wreak havoc in your house, and carpenter ants can be near the top of the list. At Alexandria Pest Services, we can help protect your investment from these and many other destructive pests and rodents. Carpenter ants are particularly harmful because they don’t just infest rotting wood — they can move from softwood to hardwood in a very short amount of time when they infest.

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