Oh No! We Have Ants!

Ants are one of the most common pests in homes and businesses, and frankly they’re a nuisance. Surveys by the National Pest Management Alliance consistently show that pest control companies across the nation receive more calls for ants than any other pest.

Which ants should you be concerned about?

The good news is that, other than the Carpenter Ant, most ants in our region are considered “nuisance pests”. This doesn’t mean ant infestations are fun or easy to get rid of, it simply means they do not pose much health or property risk. Unlike cockroaches, mice, ticks, mosquitoes and some other pests, ants do not spread disease. Also, with the exception of Carpenter Ants, ants do not cause much damage to property.

The most common problem we see with nuisance ants is that they get into food and make it inedible. We have seen breakfast cereal, bags of sugar, cookies, birthday cakes and many other stored foods teeming with ants. Also, often an infestation of ants is simply feeding on a collection of crumbs that may have fallen in an inaccessible area.

Getting Rid of Ants

Most ants are beneficial, because they kill real pests such as fleas and bedbugs. That’s no consolation when they start invading your kitchen cabinets, however. Spraying them with lemon or peppermint-flavored water may help as temporary measures. If these lightweight measures don’t do the trick, you might have to declare war by calling experts, such as Alexandria Pest Services.

We Treat for Nuisance Pests

When you contact APS about a pest problem, we’ll come to your home, business, or government office to conduct a full inspection. This allows us to pinpoint the pest type and any points of entry or problem areas. Call us at 703-923-0925 to schedule a professional inspection of your home. We will provide recommendations for the corrective measures needed to get rid of ants for good!



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