What Are Booklice? Many Have Never Heard of Them!

Booklice are group of small, wingless, soft-bodied insects that primarily feed on mold and fungi. They are often attracted to dark, damp places where mold is likely to grow. They’re also known to scavenge for grains, pollen, dead insects, and starchy materials such as wallpaper glue. Certain species of booklice are also considered stored product pests that get into pantries and contaminate foods such as grains, flour, cereal, and pasta.

So, why are they called booklice? As their name suggests, booklice tend to infest places with lots of books, cardboard, and paper, such as libraries and warehouses.

They don’t actually eat books though—they feed on the glue in book bindings as well as microscopic surface mold that grows on paper exposed to moisture or humidity.

What Do Booklice Look Like?

Booklice are tiny, light-colored insects (usually pale white, grey, or light brown). The typical household species usually measure between 1–4 millimeters long, which is about the size of a crayon tip. Booklice have 3 body segments, consisting of a wide head, a narrow thorax, and a large abdomen. They have 6 legs which are mostly thin and 2 long antennae, but they lack wings and cannot fly. Booklice also possess a chisel-like upper jaw which they use to scrape and grind their food.

Due to their size, shape, and color, they are often misidentified for bed bugs or bed bug nymphs. However, booklice have narrow bodies and long antennae which are unlike that of bed bugs.

Are Booklice Harmful?

In general, booklice are harmless. They don’t bite, cause damage to property, or transmit diseases. But to some people, the presence of booklice may cause allergic reactions. They can also be a sign of the presence of mold in the home.

Although they aren’t harmful, you still want to get rid of them! As mentioned, booklice infestations are commonly associated with mold growth, since that’s their preferred food. Throw out moldy or infested items (especially food products, cardboard, and other starchy materials) to eliminate potential food sources and hiding spots.

It’s also important to address problems causing excess moisture or humidity in your home. Booklice require warm temperature and humidity to survive. Ideal conditions for booklice to quickly reproduce are temperatures between 75–82°F and relative humidity between 75–90%.

Lastly, make sure to also vacuum behind furniture and in tight spaces where booklice like to hide and wipe down any shelving that contains paper, food, and other starchy or organic materials. Any bedding or furniture where booklice have been found should also be cleaned or laundered.

Contact Alexandria Pest Services to Get Rid of Booklice and Other Pests

If you’re dealing with booklice and need some professional help getting rid of them, give us a call today! At Alexandria Pest Services, we offer services to help treat pest infestations here in Northern Virginia. Our priority is for our customers to be comfortable inside their homes without any unwanted insects or rodents.

If you find that you are having a problem with bed bugs, booklice, termites, rodents, or other pests and need an exterminator in Springfield, Burke, Alexandria, or other parts of Northern Virginia, call Alexandria Pest Services at 703-923-0925 to schedule a professional evaluation. We can help you get rid of these invaders in your home or office! Contact us today to learn more.


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