Typically, there is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to the presence of pests in commercial facilities, such as schools, offices, hospitals and food processing plants. Unfortunately, the potential for infestations in commercial environments is great due to increased harborage areas and the presence of food and water.
Even though pests and rodents are small, their effect on your business’s bottom line can be enormous. Just one pest-related incident can lead to potential fines from state and federal inspection agencies, and a tarnished reputation among your current and prospective customers. Another concern is the fact that pests can pose serious risks to the health and safety of your employees.
The value of working with a reputable, licensed pest control company to establish an effective commercial pest control program for your business is priceless. Not only will it give you peace of mind in knowing that you are doing your part in protecting public health, food and property from pests, but it will also allow you to focus your time and efforts on what matters most to your business – providing outstanding service to your customers.
At Alexandria Pest Services, we are experienced with inspecting and developing a plan specially designed for your company’s needs. We are skilled at meeting the diverse pest management requirements of a wide variety of commercial facilities, including: apartment buildings, condominiums, shopping centers, churches, restaurants, schools, warehouses, office buildings, and more. Alexandria Pest Services offers solutions to ensure that all entry points are sealed and secured from pests and rodents. We also exterminate any insects present and humanely remove any wildlife that may take up residence. To keep your business operating efficiently and safely, give APS a call to assist you in securing your work place.
We follow these steps for pest control in commercial locations:
- Inspection: On the initial visit to the site, a thorough inspection is conducted and documented. This allows us to determine which pests are present, likely harborage areas, resource sites, sanitation problems, possible re-infestation sources, and health concerns of any sensitive occupants.
- Evaluation: Based on the initial inspection, a comprehensive pest management program is devised for the site. The treatment program is devised using EPA registered pesticides in the most effective and appropriate formulations dictated by our IPM inspection and evaluation. These applications may include baits, traps, crack and crevice procedures, flushing agents, Insect Growth Regulators (IGR’s) and/or residual treatments.
- Education: A follow-up visit, if appropriate, may include an occupants’ meeting to educate about conditions that promote pest problems and how these conditions can be mitigated. We also provide information as to the types of treatments to be provided. If appropriate, meetings with site managers and housekeeping personnel may be arranged in order to make any recommendations determined above, and/or to review our program with them.
- Eradication: Initial applications are made according to our pest control strategy formulated as described above. Monitoring stations are usually placed within one week after initial treatments are made.
- Follow-Up: Severe initial infestations will require one or more follow-up treatments that are conducted according to the initial program.
- Quality Assurance: Our technicians are thoroughly trained to look for evidence of pest activity such as damage, fecal deposits, trails, active harborage sites, and potential re-infestation. Pest activity is documented in a comprehensive site history file as the program is continually updated and communicated to our field technicians.
Alexandria Pest Services understands the importance of working in a pest-free work environment. Please contact us to make an appointment.